Posted by: Mark Wollemann: On the move | June 18, 2016

Day 6: Short and sweet(ish)

When the air goes out of your tire, the wind goes out of your sails.

Day 6 destination: Prineville, Ore.
Today’s mileage: 40. Total: 304

A short day of easy riding. I rode 20 miles in the rain to Redmond, Ore., where I feasted on a great breakfast. Upon leaving the restaurant, I put my gloves and helmet on and prepared to depart. Pffffft. Flat tire. Tube was damaged, but so was the tire — pierced by a sharp stone that was still embedded in the tire.

But I seem to have some luck in such matters. I was in a town with many bike shops. So I ambled over to Hutch’s bike shop. They gave me a new tire, just in case (I can make the damaged one functional for a while in a pinch) and tube. And after all that, I decided to settle on Prineville for a stop. That meant it was a 40-mile day. Sort of like a rest day. Tomorrow is 85 miles or so, but the weather — finally — should be much improved. I’m ready to be done with cold and rain.

A happy camper getting ready to hit the road once again.


  1. An optimist is one who, upon discovering a skewered tire *and* tube, says “I seem to have some luck in such matters. I was in a town with many bike shops.” Hats off to you! Rest well, and happy trails to you tomorrow.

  2. Hmmmm…. perhaps you’ll just a number of these glitchy events to clear out the cobwebs and the rest will be smooth as glass. Rest well! Tomorrow should be a fun day!

  3. Rain Rain go away already!!!!
    And I haven’t had that many flat tires in a year.
    What the heck?!?!?
    And please stay away from those big trucks!
    Ride safe!🚴😀

  4. You’re stringing together a survivor’s tale for stranding cyclists, one bike shop at a time.
    Ride on…

    • I’d like that to be a two-part series. I fear it will not be. Happy Father’s Day, young fella.

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